Teeth Whitening

beautiful-and-healthyMany people are paying for whiter and brighter teeth. However, many people planning on going through the procedure aren’t sure if teeth whitening works, which leaves them wondering, if it is safe. Of course there might be side effects encountered, which is why, it is important to maintain a regular hygiene after brightening. Some might consider whitening toothpaste to whiten teeth or any available method that is off the counter.

First, you need to understand what teeth brightening is and what it involves.

What Is Teeth Whitening?

There are various habits that might cause tooth discoloration and sensitivity. Too much smoking, too much consumption of red wine, coffee tea might lead to discoloration and tooth sensitivity, whereas you will have to consider whitening system or whitening treatments. Tooth whitening is the bleaching of your teeth to whiten, make them brighter and light. It gives your teeth a different life by making them brilliant white. The LED light process involves a combination of different shades. It is a form of dentistry that can only be carried out by expert dentists or a regulated oral health professional like a therapist or a hygienist, on the prescription of a dentist. There are beauty salons that offer the best teeth whitening services, but without an expert, your teeth may be in danger, and general health. You may decide to go for DIY where using hydrogen peroxide or whitening strips are common, or home teeth whitening kit but these too come with very serious risks, and sometimes, you don’t get the whiter teeth expected.

According to American dental association, there are expert brightening, whitening treatment and various methods you can use in brightening your teeth. The kit includes the use of mouthwash, whitening toothpastes, whitening strips, carbamide peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, teeth whitening pen and using related products available, whitening kit or teeth whiteners that are capable of surface stains removal. Some of these products help do away with the staining on the tooth enamel and help cub teeth pains, and go for a very low cost. Some of these options can be found on Amazon com However, if you are looking for a long-lasting result, or the best teeth whitening products, you should use the help of an expert to handle the whole procedure. Teeth brightening is a very effective way of brightening the color of your teeth without interfering with your tooth’s surfaces. The procedure is not guaranteed to make an instant and complete color change but you are sure to have your existing shade lightened.


The Three Types of Teeth Brightening

In the world of advancing technology, in platforms such as social media where selfies have to be taken sometimes, people always try to ensure that their look is at its best. A high percentage of people concentrate on their smile, which is always the first thing they look for. A smile plays an essential role in your look and most of all, confidence.

For the best smile, whiter and brighter teeth are very important. While some people might decide to use toothpaste for the procedure, some prefer office whitening or seeing a dentist, to help them with the best brightening while some have managed to maintain good hygiene from childhood, making their teeth look beautiful and bright, and for the best professional whitening results. The use of bleaching agent has become one of the most popular procedures and because of this, many harmful products are disposed into the market that might fool or hurt you. However, you may be able to find expert methods that you can follow to help you and keep you away from danger.

In-Office Zoom Bleaching

This type of brightening, also known as chair-side brightening, is the best and quickest way to whiten your teeth and help remove stains. Zoom brightening is where the brightening product is directly applied to the teeth to remove surface stains to keep it white in an instant time. A combination of heat, laser, and a special light may be used. In this process, brightening results can be seen in 30 minutes to 60 minutes after treatment. This is a very short time. However, for the best results, one must have several appointments with your dentist. This type of brightening is not that cheap, but takes a very short period of time.


  • You will have a brighter smile with whiteness or brightness that lasts up to a year
  • The process is fast and easy
  • The process is overseen by an expert


  • Teeth sensitivity might be a problem
  • Front teeth fillings might hinder the effect
  • Takes an hour or more

Take-Home Zoom Whitening with Trays

Take-home or zoom brightening is the strongest teeth brightening process, and it involves filling a mouth. In this process, your dentist or dental specialist uses this technique to create an impression of your teeth, to provide a custom-made guard-like tray. The gel solution which contains a peroxide-brightening agent is then added to the tray and placed on your mouth. The trays put the gel in place to prevent the gum from direct contact. For the best results, you will have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks. The cost ranges from 150$ to 600$.


• It is convenient
• Offers a long-term solution


• Takes time to make a custom-fitted tray
• The treatment process might take up to 3 weeks

Take-Home Whitening Gel

This brightening gel is applied directly to the teeth with a thin strip or a brush. It is advisable to apply this product once or twice a day for 10 to 15 days. The results take months and may cost around 10$ to 55$.


• Easy to apply
• No trays needed


• They wear or wash off easily
• Not easy to apply on the back teeth
• They might cause a sensitive teeth